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Main navigation Меню База антидотов Antidoodikäsiraamat Организация противоядий в стране Условия хранения антидотов Исследовательская работа Руководство по лечению Исследовательская работа Kastanje, R., Variksoo, A. (2018) Accidental fatal poisoning with Colchicum autumnale due to mistaken identification: a case report. Clinical Toxicology, 56:6, 453-608, DOI: 10.1080/15563650.2018.1457818 Kastanje, R., Põld, K., Oder, M. Acute liver injury after ingestion of rhubarb leaves: A case report Clinical Toxicology (2015), 53(1): 348 (Malta 2015) Kastanje, R., Põld, K., Peet, A., Maipuu, L., Oder, M. Development of respiratory acidosis following the ingestion of liquid detergent capsule by 1 year 10 months old boy: A case report. Clinical Toxicology (2014), 52: 415 (Brüssel 2014) Oral chloroform poisoning, Clinical Toxicology (2013), 51: 320 (abstrakt), Oder M., Põld K. Kopenhaagen 2013 Poison Information Center`s Call Responder – An Additional Competency for Emergency Medicine Nurses? London 2012 Ruth Kastanje Establishing a modern national PIC – the Estonian experience, London 2012 Mare Oder Case report: Poisoning of Amanita Phalloides, abstract, Bordeaux 2010 (PDF) Case report: An accidental exposure to the chlorine gas in swimming pool of a Spa Hotel in Tallinn, abstract, Stockholm 2009 (PDF) Establishment of the Estonian Poison Information Centre, abstract, Seville 2008 (PDF) » Estonian Experience on Establishment of a Modern National Poison Information Centre: One-year Profile of Phone Calls in 2012. Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology Juuni 2013 M. Oder, K. Põld